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Makeup for people who do not want to waste time researching how to start using makeup but wants to highlight their masculine features. An androgynous makeup kit. A set of 5-6 makeup products together with a link to a short video tutorial on how to apply the makeup. MVP: A makeup kit that allows you to highlight your masculine and feminine features. Target audience: 1. Transgender men, people going through a transition 2. Masculine woman 3. Non-binary, androgynous people 4. Men

More creative spaces

Our solution aims to address the high costs of creative spaces and workshops while building a collaborative community of builders and learners. To make these spaces more affordable, we suggest partnering with the Dutch government to explore alternative venues, such as "antikraak" spaces. For learning, we propose having professional builders at each station to guide learners, or allowing anyone to become a "teacher" and share their knowledge with the community. This community-driven approach encourages innovation and enables individuals to learn and grow at their own pace. To reduce costs associated with raw materials, we encourage individuals to bring their own scrap materials and use reclaimed materials, and we suggest that the government could help by sourcing and providing these materials. For refined raw materials, members can purchase them for a market price or through a coin system that assigns different coin values to materials based on their cost and availability. Additionally, we plan to create in-house workshops to produce sustainable materials. Our solution aims to make creative spaces and learning accessible to everyone while promoting sustainability and innovation.

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