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Team info

Stan den Teuling
Matthijs den Boer
Victor Claus



The challenge

The energy and sustainability transition needs a lot of skilled and technical labour, but the workforce isn't big enough. On top of that, skilled workers start freelancing because of the financial incentives it provides them to start out on their own. Therefore contractors, construction and sustainability companies cannot hire the right people full time anymore, and they need to build a pool of flexible workers. When their personal network is exhausted, they are not able to fulfill the demand of project requests.

The solution

Influx is a B2B Marketplace that aims to connect contractors in the technical services industry (construction and sustainability sector) with skilled and technical freelancers for short-term, high-urgency and short-staffed project needs.


We aim to contribute to the sustainability of Dutch properties by making sure the right people find each other at the right time.

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